Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Perfect Match? or perfect Match??


Well, I don’t know how to start this blog, but let me just start off. Everybody has a little naughty, little pervert side to himself. You just cant help, but think in a different(funny) way – when you see certain things. But you got to be in your limits. Here are few things that I observed and like to share with you all.

I hope most of you are aware of the famous SNS “orkut”. And there is a label in it which says “perfect match”….Let me give you a few descriptions, which I came across in few profiles(not to mention the names).

1. Perfect match : “India v/s Pakistan” ( to begin with, on a lighter note. This was ‘my’ description. As if I achieved something great on doing this!)(match, in the sense a ‘cricket match’..frreaak!)

2. Perfect match: “” (funny!!but a nice way to promote that website..LOLZ)(I wonder whether the person was asking the profile visitor to check his profile in the website; or was doing some social service for despo match-seekers!!)LLOLZ..

3. Perfect match: “preferably an IYER” (again its me!!I out of a sudden patriot towards ‘IYERS’( & god knows the reason why I got it), that led me to write this!!of course, it has no relevance and is silly!!!)

4. Perfect match :(if you read this one for the second time!) -->  “The one that produces fire on rubbing once” !!!!!!! ( I couldnot stop laughing at this, for almost an hour. I don’t know whether the person really meant what he wrote, or did he try posing himself as a cool dude by typing this(coz most of the description in the profile, clearly showed that it was a fake one) …but I guess he meant the ‘match- stick’,..nothing else!!

I thought this was unbeatable…

Perfect ‘match’ : “ a 6 cm stick”… { LOLZ..I guess this was too direct. But I kept wondering how could a guy write this( was a guy’s profile). Was it deliberate, or outta innocence , I don’t know!!!(again mistaken match for a ‘match-stick’, is what I felt, considering the ‘cm’ units!!!)….}

So dear reader, these were the only few ones that I thought worth chalking out in this blog. A few which I felt were really funny. There were a few(in fact, lot many) more, which I chose not to mention(coz I felt they were too pervert and inappropriate to be mentioned here)(and forgotten many, after having a burst of laughter for that moment).

I feel that the developers really need to think over that label “perfect match” and try changing it to something more sensible like “the idea of a perfect partner”(even this one has a lot of misinterpretations) or “the idea of a perfect life-partner”(to be clearer) or something alike. If you have come across any such description, you can mention here..

Hmm..English is really a funny language…….



  1. koti i think u hv becum an orkut freak n naughty as usual:)

  2. hahaha:):):D:D..i couldnot help da,but to write this post:P:P..faking can be disastrous at times:P:P..those ppl seemed to have no knowledge at all about what cud it mean!!!:P

  3. On different but related note of freakiness/pervertedness on things related to Orkut, there was this friend of mine who would append the string "in the bed" to the "today's fortune and put up as status to some exceptionally funny results.. sample this (my fortune today): Watch what you say - of those who say nothing, few are silent - in the bed..

  4. LOLZ:D:D:D...i saw this one!!
    1)"You have an unusual equipment for success, use it properly in the bed"..lolz:D:D

    2)"Good things are being said about you...."!!!LOLZ:D:D:D..

    there are many more da..even i have seen one of my friends do fact, many do so:D:D

  5. Anything pervertish sells :) ...I guess thts what ppl call animal instincts :)

  6. 'animal instincts'...well i guess there's some part of the human brain that has not evolved a bit:P ;)

  7. Whoohoooo :) Never thought they can be so many dimensions of a perfect match :)

    1. Yogii again!! :P anything n everything can be seen from different dimensions :D ;)
