Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Open your box, before it starts stinking!

     Last Friday, I had left my lunch box at the office. Obviously! With the overloaded work and the deadline tension, I had forgotten to take it back home. It just lied there at my desk, over the weekend. It was the following Monday evening, that I carried it back home. And, the moment I opened this dabba, there was a micro-blast of foul odour in and around it! YYUCCCKKKK!! The odour got soo intolerable, that I just poured hot water into the box and left the kitchen! [was prepared to take mom's blastings, but definitely not this smell!!]...

     ...It was quite a peaceful evening. My mind was idle. Somehow, my idle mind turned into a 'Philospher's workshop'. I started to reflect on my day. All of a sudden, the fact that such a yummy curry, had started to stink, only because it was left unused in the box for a longer time - amazed me!And i started relating all this - to life!... the box! the bad odour! the food!

     Well...each one of us is blessed with some talent, some unique gift stuffed within us by GOD. Just like some yummy dish packed into a box. But how many of us, actually open it up and explore? How many of us actually savour the dish?... Some of us are just waiting for the right 'time' to open it up, and some of us for the right 'people'! And in most cases, the wait gets so long that in the end, we have forgotten what exactly were we waiting for! And by the time we remember it, the dish has already rotten! It's too late! The box has started to stink!

     Think of all the extra-curriculur activities that you pursued in your school days! You won awards for singing, dancing, painting, sports..and then you announced to the entire world 'm gonna be the world's best singer'! And then all of a sudden there's a halt to everything. You are caught in the maze of fulfilling your needs first. So lost into the rat-race that you have forgotten and abandoned the gifts that were meant exclusively for you! You start disconnecting from something for which you were born!

     Of course, not all of us can be world-famous singers, authors, sportsmen...But that doesnot mean that we stop using and exploring these strengths, just because we couldnot make it big! Why wait for the big break, when small things are sufficient to keep you going? You know you have got a great voice, then why wait till you become a great singer? Sing for yourself, right here - right now! Sing for your loved ones. Sing for the fact that God has gifted this lovely voice to you! If Guitar was always your passion, then play it for yourself! Why disappoint that you couldnot make it to the best of the music bands! God just counts how much You enjoy the gift given to you. What others think of your gift, comes secondary!

     Find out the delicacy that has been exclusively prepared for you. Explore the true purpose of your life, the reason for your existence! And once you have discovered it, dont suffocate it by suppressing it within you. Liberate it. Bring it out!  

     So what? If your taste doesnot match with the rest of the world? It's true that joy lies in sharing. But you neednot wait to the extent that the food and the container starts to stink! Start enjoying the dish yourself, before its too late. Start using the strengths and your hidden talents in your daily life! Others will look at  you and get tempted to have a share of your fun! And if that doesnot happen, still dont care! Finish the entire stuff yourself! Atleast, dont leave your special gifts stinking! Don't let your spirits die!

      Its true that there is a constant quarrel between our 'wants' and 'needs', in our daily lives. And we are so involved in trying to resolve this conflict that we fail to notice the True winner! As the law of nature goes - 'when two cats fight, the monkey wins!' Let the monkey Win! Let your spiritual pursuit [the monkey] win over this never-ending quarrel between your wants and needs [the 2 cats]! The monkey is anyways bound to win, then why take the cats' sides?

     Start exploring. Dig our your strengths. Persist. Perceive. Start living! Give time to the things you love to do! Open the box that God specially gifted for you. Start savouring the dish. If you feel that the box has already started to stink, DONT worry! Its just temporary! Gather all your courage, face the odour for a while, and put the box through a thorough cleansing activity! And if you are worried about the food inside...Remember that if God's gifted you something, he's given you the power to Create it as well! Just that you need to explore this power! After all, life's all about looking inwards, and reaching out...

    Open the box! Dont seclude it..Explore it, before it starts stinking...
